If you are interested in joining our club please fill the form out and make payment via PayPal or send your cheque to the Chinese Shar-Pei Club of Canada's Secretary. (details on form)

The CSPCC invites you to join us in our unending quest for the betterment of the Shar-Pei breed.

By becoming a member of our National Breed Club you add one more resource to our fund of knowledge, experience and devotion to this breed.

There are many ways that you could be of assistance to the breed. You could become involved in Rescue or one of the many committees that we have for shows, breed standard, fund raisers, regional clubs and more.

You do NOT need to be a breeder or a show person in order to become a member and assist in our many endeavours. The only requirement is a love for these wonderful "wrinkle dogs".

Also by becoming a member you will be kept current on health issues, who is doing what in the show ring, who is having puppies and much more through our newsletter, The WrinkleGram. You could even write articles for the newsletter or do research for it.

There are many ways YOU could help and learn, so come on and fill in the form below!

You will be most welcome.


Si vous êtes intéressé à vous joindre à notre club veuillez svp remplir ce formulaire et effectuer le paiement via PayPal ou envoyer votre chèque au secrétaire du Club du Shar-Pei Chinois du Canada. (détails sur le formulaire)

Le CSPCC vous invite à vous joindre à nous dans notre quête incessante pour l'amélioration de la race Shar-pei Chinois.

En devenant membre, vous deviendrez une ressource supplémentaire à notre fonds de connaissances, d'expérience et de dévouement pour cette race .

Il y a plusieurs façons d’aider la race. Vous pourriez vous impliquer auprès d’organismes de « rescue » ou à l'un des nombreux comités que nous avons pour les shows de conformation, le standard de la race, les levées de fonds, les clubs régionaux et plus .

Vous n'avez pas besoin d'être un éleveur ou être actif dans les shows de conformation pour devenir membre et aider dans nos nombreux efforts. La seule exigence est un amour pour ces merveilleux «chiens plissés » .

En outre, en devenant membre, vous serez tenu au courant des questions de santé, de ce qui se passe dans les « shows rings » en conformation, de qui vient d’avoir des chiots et bien plus encore grâce à notre bulletin, Le WrinkleGram. Vous pouvez même écrire des articles ou aider à faire de la recherche pour ce bulletin.

Il ya plusieurs façons d’aider et apprendre, alors remplissez le formulaire maintenant! Vous serez les bienvenus.


The Shar-Pei Club of Canada Invites You To Fill In The Membership Form

Memberships January 1st to December 31st. Applications received after September 1st will be enrolled to December 31st of the following year.

I/we wish to apply for membership in the Chinese Shar-Pei Club of Canada I\we agreed to abide by the Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Ethics of the Club, and agree that I/we have never been found guilty of a charge of cruelty to animals. Your application will be reviewed by the CSPCC Board of Directors once received. If you are not accepted for membership your payment will be returned. The CSPCC reserves the right to reject without comment or explanation any application for any reason.

Payment can be made via PayPal or cheque. If using PayPal you will be redirected to the PayPal site once you click the "submit" button at the bottom of the form. Payments are made to peiclubcanada@gmail.com. If paying by cheque, click the "submit" button, you will be directed to PayPal just exit your browser.

Please mail your cheque to:
CSPCC, Josey St-Pierre, 789 Auvergne, St-Lin-Laurentide, Québec, J5M 2L4

If paying by cheque please make them out to " Chinese Shar-Pei Club of Canada " as this is the only way the bank will accept them.

Nous acceptons egalement les virements interact a l'adresse de courriel suivante
We now also accept E-transfert via the following e-mail
SVP toujours inscrire sharpei comme mot de passe / please always use sharpei as the password

If paying by PayPal you may click the Buy Now button.